

We are very im­pressed with the pro­fes­sion­al­ism of the WATCH GUARD or­ga­ni­za­tion. We had an un­ex­pected and time crit­i­cal need for overnight guard ser­vice and Tracy Sny­der, Watch Guard Op­er­a­tions Man­ager was able to im­me­di­ately sched­ule watch­men. The guards were on time, cour­te­ous and knowl­edge­able. I would highly rec­om­mend WATCH GUARD 24/7.

Michele Cav­a­liere - Ac­cess Stor­age

I wanted to let you know that I just got off the phone with the Manager at Restoration Hardware to make sure everything went well last night and he was more than satisfied with the guard you sent. He said he was awesome and very professional. Just wanted to let you know the great feedback and look forward to working with you again in the future.

Professional Retail Services

I feel con­fi­dent in hir­ing WATCH GUARD 24/7 as a pri­vate in­ves­ti­ga­tion com­pany, be­cause I know it’s leader John Raf­ferty, is a re­tired Lieu­tenant from the New York City Po­lice De­part­ment, where upon his re­tire­ment, he was one of the high­est dec­o­rated Lieu­tenants. WATCH GUARD 24/7 is dif­fer­ent than any other pri­vate in­ves­ti­ga­tion com­pany we have used in the past be­cause of the spe­cial­ized train­ing in in­ves­ti­ga­tion that it’s em­ploy­ees gained while work­ing in law en­force­ment, and the speed in which the re­sults of the in­ves­ti­ga­tions are re­ported back. The spe­cial­ized in­ves­tiga­tive tech­niques and ef­fi­ciency that WATCH GUARD 24/7 em­ploy­ees have used in our per­sonal in­jury mat­ters have di­rectly led to ad­e­quate and just com­pen­sa­tion for our clients.

Robert Mik­los, Sil­ber­stein,Awad, and Mik­los, P.C. At­tor­neys at Law

We have been in de­vel­op­ment and prop­erty man­age­ment for over twenty years. Among the ser­vices I have em­ployed pri­vate in­ves­ti­ga­tors for in­clude gen­eral in­ves­ti­ga­tion, wit­ness in­ter­views, lo­ca­tion ser­vices, as­set searches and re­ports, process and other court ser­vice, and mis­cel­la­neous in­ves­ti­ga­tion sup­port. I have em­ployed Watch Guard 24/7, LLC to pro­vide many of these ser­vices. We have been ex­tremely pleased with the qual­ity and prompt­ness of the in­ves­tiga­tive ser­vices pro­vided. Watch Guard 24/7, LLC has per­formed for this of­fice in an ex­em­plary way.

Richard Xia - Fleet Fi­nan­cial Group

I was re­ally im­pressed how you took care of my needs dur­ing the Christ­mas and New Year’s hol­i­days and on such short no­tice. I per­son­ally met each of the of­fi­cers at each of the four lo­ca­tions and they were all pro­fes­sional and ca­pa­ble, tak­ing care to be help­ful and sup­port­ive. With­out your ac­tion and at­ten­tion to de­tail we could not have sup­ported our client dur­ing a very hec­tic and stress­ful pe­riod. Watch­Guard 24/7 is a well-man­aged and pro­fes­sional op­er­a­tion that de­liv­ers what they promise

Bradley P. Hol­libaugh, Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor, Ser­vice ­Mas­ter Re­cov­ery Man­age­ment

Wanted to thank the mem­bers and fam­ily of the Watch Guard 24/7 for se­cur­ing and pro­tect­ing some of Rock­aways Build­ings. Also the do­na­tions of hot meals to 20 fam­i­lies I di­rectly know. I am aware that the team at Watch Guard trav­eled to Rock­away Beach feed­ing as many peo­ple they could – We are blessed to have such a great com­pany On Our side ! THANK YOU !

George Na­tali – Rock­away, Queens Res­i­dent af­fected by Hur­ri­cane Sandy

God Bless you both for a GREAT JOB! YOU FOUND THEM BOTH! I have spent the past two weeks catching up with them non-stop and there is so much to talk about with them – I just wanted to thank you for your help! You are the best! My nieces thank you because they were looking for me as well. This turned out better than I had expected and I have you to thank for it all.


This is to express my gratitude for your excellent service that was rendered to recover $3,000 that was owed to us. My husband and I are very impressed with your professionalism in pursuing the subject.

Mr. & Mrs. Mitra

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