Background Checks
There are a variety of reasons that you would want to look into the background of an individual or company.
Whether there is suspicion of a criminal past, fraudulent dealings, or the need for an employment verification, there are a number of services that our team is able to provide.
Background information should be used prudently, as a confirmation of criminal history should not automatically eliminate a candidate from employment consideration. It is wise to consider the entire scope of a candidate’s skills and attributes, and eliminate him or her based upon objective specifics relative to their ability to accomplish the job description. As a best practice, we also recommend documenting your team’s recruitment efforts and decision-making process in a detailed manner.
To avoid discriminatory hiring, be sure to follow the guidelines set forth by the EEOC regarding a job candidates’ criminal history, including the type of crime that was committed and the nature of the work that must be accomplished before eliminating a candidate. We offer the following background checks:
- Criminal Record Search
- Civil Court Searches
- Employment Verification
- Education Verification
- Utility Search
- Bank Records
- Bankruptcy Search
- Driving Records
- Death Records
- Comprehensive Business Searches
Please call 718-366-7018 to inquire about additional background check capabilities offered by WATCH GUARD 24/7